#BlueBeanieDay 2018

Friday 30 November is #BlueBeanieDay. Show your support for #webstandards & #a11y. Put blue on your bean!

Why Open the Web?

Despite the connecting purpose of the Web, it is not entirely open to all of its users.
When used correctly, HTML documents can be displayed across platforms and devices.
However, many devices are excluded access to Web content.


#a11y is Code for “Love Your Neighbor”

From bbd16 http://bluebeanieday.tumblr.com


Web standards hold the key to accessible, cost-effective web design and development, but you wouldn’t know it from surveying most big commercial sites.


Blue Beanie Day 2015

It is almost that time of year again.  “The ninth annual Blue Beanie Day in support of web standards will be celebrated around the world on November 30, 2015” http://bluebeanieday.tumblr.com/post/133796528082/a-hat-of-ones-own



Why Open the Web?

Despite the connecting purpose of the Web, it is not entirely open to all of its users.

When used correctly, HTML documents can be displayed across platforms and devices.


However, many devices are excluded access to Web content.