Windows 7 Lets You Finally Uninstall Internet Explorer (Kinda)

By The How-To Geek, 11:00 AM on Wed Mar 4 2009

The AeroXperience weblog has uncovered a shocking change in the latest release candidate of Windows 7—Internet Explorer can be removed through the Windows Features dialog. Finally!

Uninstalling Internet Explorer requires a couple of reboots and a few UAC prompt confirmations, but when you're done IE will have been removed as an option in the Set Program Defaults window, and unlike removing IE using previously mentioned vLite, Windows 7 won't give you errors about your missing IE.

Since Internet Explorer's rendering engine is also used throughout Windows and with third-party applications as an embeddable component, it won't completely uninstall—only the executable is actually removed. Still, being able to finally banish IE proper from your system is a pretty good start for folks who really don't like IE. Hit the link for the full screenshot walkthrough of the uninstallation process.

Internet Explorer 8 can be removed from Windows 7 [via Download Squad]

Side note:
Windows 7 is not out for main stream use yet

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