Why Open the Web?
Despite the connecting purpose of the Web, it is not entirely open to all of its users.
When used correctly, HTML documents can be displayed across platforms and devices.
However, many devices are excluded access to Web content.
thanks for sharing đ
lol also watch Doctor Who on BBC America here on campus đ
Sweet! I’ll have to check it out. I’m not into all Anime, but I dig some of it. I always liked InuYasha a lot. Too bad they shit-canned it. :down: I also used to watch…uh…oh, crap. Now the name has escaped me. It was about two brothers. OH! Full Metal Alchemist! Yeah…I used to watch that, too. Now I don’t watch any of it. I’m too busy watching Gordon Ramsay’s sexeh arse cooking up a storm on BBC! đŽ
I never really got into that one. Not sure why…just didn’t tickle my fanny…errr…fancy. :left:
I never knew how long it has been around, I have only seen about 13 episodes
Ah, okay. đ