Battle of the Beta Browser Built-In Features

With betas and alphas of every flavor of web browser dropping like snowflakes during a cold winter these days, a whole host of advanced features are showing up built into the default browser of the future. From Firefox to Opera to Internet Explorer to Chrome, a new feature set is emerging, which will put things like a smart address bar, porn (private) browsing mode, tab-specific crashing, and drag and drop tabbing in front of mainstream users who would never think to install an extension manually. But which of these features do you think are necessary, and which ones do you think are just there to justify a new release and "keep up with the Joneses"? Let's take a look at this new crop of features showing up across the new generation of web browsers and then tell us which ones you like the most.

One Reply to “Battle of the Beta Browser Built-In Features”

  1. The tab specific crashing would be very cool in Opera, having only one tab crash not the whole browser, when a tab crashes maybe it could show a picture of some one singing Opera :sing:

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