Common Issues in Assessing Browser Performance

I’m Christian Stockwell, a Program Manager on the IE team focused on browser performance.

Measuring the overall performance of websites and web browsers is important for users comparing the performance characteristics of competitive browsers, developers optimizing their websites for download times and responsiveness, browser vendors monitoring the performance implications of code changes, and everyone else who is generally interested in understanding website performance.

I thought it would be interesting to follow up on my previous posts on performance with a discussion around some of the issues impacting browser performance testing and the techniques that you can use to effectively measure browser performance.

6 Replies to “Common Issues in Assessing Browser Performance”

  1. I don’t see why worrying so much about “performance” unless we are speaking of something else than a browser. I mean, if we consider that future Web will not be made by HTML pages with embedded objects but heavy Web applications that require lots of async code execution, then the browser becomes a “run-time” client of some sort and of course there are all the related topic/issues like code execution, memory handling/collection, separate/multi/threading, ecc. In this logic if MS wants they can develop something better than any competitor to run on their own OS, making use of the integration with all the documented/undocumented features and connections with other system components, with of course the developing tools on the other end.

  2. I am guessing from what I have seen that the web will be a mixture of html and other new web tech. From what I have noticed the future of the web is not tied to any one os. I have also noticed that the open source community comes up with some of the best stuff and even improves on some of the closed source ideasThe better performance a program has the less of a hog it is to the computer. No one wants to use an anti-virus program or any other that user 90% of their cpu. Most people have more than one app open. Not every one has a very powerful computer. The ones with weaker computer will notice a bit of a difference. The ones with the stronger pc will see a big differenceWhat also does not help is that people don’t send the error reports for program crashes, kinda makes it hard to fix the crash. On a laptop I use to have Windows Update v4 would give my pc a blue screen :awww: , sent the error reports, they released v5 a few days latter and no blue screen :)The test now is to see who can built the fast program, but at the same time no lose of performance. The average person has no clue about the error messages they get on there screen.

  3. MMm, things are not that simple.Once upon a time, with HTML, JS end stuff the web was “neutral”.You then move to the “client” that executes the said async code, for example Adobe Air, running flash applications on your desktop. This is not a browser any more, it just downloads software and data from the Internet.Plus, it executes code that comes from a particular not-neutral developing platform, licensed by company X to the programmers and not inter-operable with another client that executes another kind of code.

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